
Traders' Guide

  1. Introduction to Traders Program
  2. Creating a Trader account
  3. Trading platforms
  4. Performance, Stats and Indicators
ZuluTrade Traders

  1. Introduction to Traders Program

    A "Trader" is a ZuluTrade user, who trades either on a Demo or Real account while ZuluTrade publishes his/her results and statistics publicly through the website. Each trading action performed in the Trader’s account is sent to all ZuluTrade Demo and Real accounts in the form of a broadcast signal.
    Users, who have chosen to follow the Trader ("Investors"), have the trading action automatically executed in their account, residing in their brokerage firm. Since a simple Trader signal is executed by various different Brokers that have different trading interfaces and configurations, trading problems can occur. A possible instance is an orphan trade. An orphan trade is a trade that although it is closed in the Trader’s account, due to a variety of reasons, it may be left open on one or more of the Investors' Real accounts. This incident can lead to different results between the Trader and the Investor- e.g. although the Trader gains, the Investor ends up losing as a result of the trade having closed long after it had been closed in the Trader’s account. However, Traders have the ability to both monitor and close their Real Investors' positions that are detected as "orphans".
    Investors can fine-tune and override Traders signals by configuring their settings in their ZuluTrade account portfolio, or even manually.

    For Risk Management purposes, ZuluTrade may restrict Traders for being copied by Investors in case they don't follow the Program's Guidelines.
  2. Creating a Trader account

    Everyone can sign up to become a Trader. To register your Trader account, please click here. You can open up to 10 Trader accounts with the same email address.
    Competition however is fierce. Traders’ performance is constantly ranked by ZuluTrade's ZuluRank algorithm and the ZuluTrade community, so that only the best ones appear on the top of our lists.
  3. Trading platforms

    Traders may select one of the following Trading Platforms to place their trades:
    1. ZuluTrade+
      In ZTP, both Live and Demo Traders are equipped with a fully-fledged Trading Station user interface with technical charts and indicators, along with the ability for Traders to create trading robots by running their own ZuluScripts. In more detail, the in-built Trading Station offers technical charts (Candlesticks, OHLC, Lines), a large variety of Indicators (Trend, Oscillators, Volatility, Volumes, Bill Williams, etc), custom lines/text/objects etc, all inside the Trader account, without the need for any external platform. Therefore as the platform is entirely web-based, the Trader account is shielded against connectivity issues and can run EAs uninterruptedly without the need for a VPS. For more details about how to create and run ZuluScripts, please see here.
      ZuluTrading API
      The ZuluTrading API can also be used with ZTP. ZuluTrade offers its own REST API which enables Traders to submit trading requests straight to their accounts from their own custom program. In other words, instead of logging in to the Trader account to manually open, manage and close trades, Traders can configure their own algorithm to do this for them. Although some basic programming skills are required, a comprehensive step-by-step guide is provided for setting up the ZuluTrading API.
    2. MetaTrader 4 (MT4) platform
      It is possible to link an external live or demo MT4 platform to a Trader account. In this case the Trader account becomes read-only and any trading activity that takes place in the MT4 account is copied over to the ZuluTrade account. The list of brokers compatible with Trader accounts can be found in the Settings tab of the Trader account, or by contacting Support.
      ZuluTrade VPS
      ZuluTrade offers Traders trading via MT4 the chance to host their trading strategy for free via ZuluTrade's own VPS service. ZuluTrade supports over 60 Brokers and there is no need to download any platform - the MT4 client of your choice will be pre-installed into your VPS account, and can be accessed via any browser. The ZuluTrade VPS service is available only for Traders trading via MT4 terminals; there is a limited number of available VPS, so Traders should keep an eye out for the 'Connect to my VPS' button at your Settings tab - it appears only when VPS slots are available. ZuluTrade VPS is a premium service and as such a fair use policy applies; if it is detected that the VPS service is misused in any way, then usage of the VPS service may be revoked. Typical examples of misuse are:
      • malicious intentions
      • low or excessive usage
      • use of 3rd party executables that interfere with the OS
      • multiple instances of MT4 clients and EAs
      • usage beyond ZuluTrade's environment, etc
      Please also note that there is a limit of one free ZuluTrade VPS per physical person.

  4. Performance, Stats and Indicators

    As a Trader trades, their performance and position in the ZuluTrade Traders page will gradually evolve; moving up and down in ranking. All data and information of the Traders are taken into consideration in order to calculate their place in the ranking. Some decisive factors for the ZuluRank are (please note that this list is not exhaustive):
    • Maturity: How long the Trader has been trading for, reflected in ‘Weeks’.
    • Exposure: How many positions might be open at the same time, reflected in ‘Max Open Trades’, the 'NME' required, etc.
    • Drawdown: How many ups and downs the Trader’s historical performance has experienced.
    • Performance: Overall pips earned, average pips per trade and other performance metrics.

    For Our European Performance Page only, the below mentioned factors are also taken into account in order to form the list of the top 2000 Traders:
    • Their minimum trading time is of at least 8 weeks.
    • They have less than 30% Drawdown (in pips or equity)
    • The average number of pips is above 3 or average rate of return is above 0.015%.
    For our US Traders page only, the Trader account must be compliant with the FIFO and No-Hedging market policy set up by NFA.

    If you want to find out more about the way ZuluRank is calculated, please click here!

    The Performance page is updated several times per day, as trades and Traders' statistics develop. Performance page also contains visual indicators, helping Investors to identify certain Trader attributes. Most common of which are:
    • The Trader is using a Real Account.
    • The Trader is operating on a Demo Account but is copying his own signals in a Real Investor Account.
    • The Trader is using MT4 Expert Advisor
    • The Trader is operating on ZTP, using ZuluScripts
    • The Trader is submitting trading requests through ZuluTrading API
    • The Trader's strategy is complying with the FIFO rule and does not hedge
    • The Trader has an average user rating of at least 4 stars!
    • The Trader is trading correlated currency pairs, by using a natural hedging strategy that potentially lead to limited drawdown
    • The Trader is frequently trading economic calendar releases!
    • Zulu Veteran - a Trader that has been trading with ZuluTrade for more than 2 years with a consistently high ranking
    • Traders that have partially or fully verified their account.
    • Trading history from XX/XX/XX To XX/XX/XX has been imported to ZuluTrade
    In order to appear in the Traders page, a Trader must first close 1 position, while a minimum of 8 weeks of trading activity is required in order to appear on the Traders page for Europe!

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© Copyright ZuluTrade EU
This site is not intended to be a solicitation of transactions to customers living in the United States of America.
Trading spot currencies involves substantial risk and there is always the potential for loss. Your trading results may vary. Because the risk factor is high in the foreign exchange market trading, only genuine "risk" funds should be used in such trading. If you do not have the extra capital that you can afford to lose, you should not trade in the foreign exchange market. Forex Brokers and ZuluTrade are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices or there may be a cost to initiate a trade through the bid/ask spread. Profit sharing accounts are subject to a monthly performance fee per selected trading system.
Hypothetical performance results have many inherent limitations, some of which are described below. No representation is being made that any account will or is likely to achieve profits or losses similar to those shown. In fact, there are frequently sharp differences between hypothetical performance results and the actual results subsequently achieved by any particular trading program.
One of the limitations of hypothetical performance results is that they are generally prepared with the benefit of hindsight. In addition, hypothetical trading does not involve financial risk, and no hypothetical trading record can completely account for the impact of financial risk in actual trading. For example, the ability to withstand losses or to adhere to a particular trading program in spite of trading losses are material points which can also adversely affect actual trading results. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. Please check our {{0}}full disclaimer{{1}}.
[1]  The Futures Commission Merchant ("FCM") and ZuluTrade are compensated for their services through the spread between the bid/ask prices or there may be a cost to initiate a trade through the bid/ask spread. Signing up is totally free, and there is NO contract and NO monthly fees, ever.
[2]  Past performance is not indicative of future results. This website does not make any representation whatsoever that the above mentioned trading systems might be or are suitable or that they would be profitable for you. Please realize the risk involved with trading Forex investments and consult an investment professional before proceeding. The trading systems herein described have been developed for sophisticated traders who fully understand the nature and the scope of the risks that are associated with trading. Should you decide to trade any or all of these systems' signals, it is your decision. The performance results displayed on this website are hypothetical in that they represent trades made in a demonstration ("demo") account. The trades placed in the demo account take into consideration the spread between the bid and ask prices which would have been paid by a trader if an actual trade was made. Transaction prices were determined by assuming that buyers received the ask price and sellers the bid price of quotes provided by a large Forex broker.